Ape Odyssey V3 Holders Rank List.
Ape Odyssey V3 AOCoin Liquidity Pool Contributions Stats
This table is updated once daily minimum and is not live statistics. Since Jan.12, 2025
NFT mints to date | Ape Odyssey V3 Minting proceeds to date. | Ape Odyssey contributions to AOCoin liquidity pool to date. |
41/4,000 | 403.48 XRP | 41.95 XRP |
Ape Odyssey Contributions To AOCoin Liquidity Pool From Ape Odyssey V3 NFT Collection Proceeds.
Full List Of Contributions Transactions
Liquidity pool contributions due to be contributed at the end of minting, but Ape Odyssey may make contributions along the minting process. All liquidity pool contributions will be listed below.
Contribution # | Contribution Amoumt |
1 | 9.95 XRP |
2 | 10 XRP |
3 | 10 XRP |
4 | 12 XRP |
This table is updated once daily minimum and is not live statistics. Since Jan.12, 2025